Whether you agree or not your body grows with time, no one can stop the process of ageing. Be it your glowing skin or your slim body, it is always good to age gracefully. Suryanamaskar is one such series of yoga poses that are very beneficial universally and counters several ageing aspects. Suryanamaskar’s 12 poses maintains your muscles, helps to retain flexibility at the same time boosts metabolism. Practicing Suryanamaskar at a slow or fast pace will improve digestion, soothes the nervous system plus strengthens the heart. Also they make you feel rejuvenated and keep your anxiety and stress at bay.
Here are the poses of Suryanamaskar that will keep you young for long:
- Namaskar Mudra:
First Stand straight and keep your feet together with your hands to the side. Now, bring your palms close to the chest as if you are doing namaskar and breathe normally.
- Back bending Chakrasana:
Now inhale while raising your hands, arch your back and stretch your arms as up as you can. Breathe normally in this position.
- Padahastasana:
Now exhale and bend forward and try to touch your toes with your knees straight. Look downwards and breathe normally.
- Ashwa Sanchalanasana:
Inhale and place your palms on the floor and bend your right leg between your hands at a right angle from the floor. Now stretch the left leg backwards and arch your back. Look up and breathe normally.
- Santolasana:
Exhale and stretch your right leg next to the left leg. Ensure that your hands are in a position aligned to your shoulders. Keep your shoulders, back and hips in a straight line. Now breathe normally.
- Shashtanga Mudra:
Bend your elbows, chin, chest and knees towards the floor. Tuck your elbows on the sides but close to the body. Then, lift your hips and breathe normally.
- Sarpasana:
Now Inhale and lift only the upper part of the body to your elbows with your chin raised in upward direction. Try to bend your shoulders towards the back like your trying to see the sky. But keep your waist touching the floor. Breathe normally.
- Parvatasana:
Now exhale and lift your hips and push the upper body but keep your heels on the floor. Without folding your knees, face downwards and keep your eyes on the navel region. Now breathe normally.
- Ashwa Sanchalanasana:
Now bring your left leg forward and place it in between your hands and inhale. Bend your back and lift your chin upwards while keeping your palms flat on the floor. Now Breathe normally.
- Padahastasana:
Bring your left leg forward close to your right leg. Without bending your knees touch your toes and breathe normally.
- Back Bending Chakrasana:
Join your palms together, raise your hands along with the upper body and bend your back. Breathe normally in this posture.
- Namaskar Mudra:
Now come back to your starting position while exhaling.
- Pose 1 and 12 helps to retain balance and strengthens your back, neck plus shoulders.
- Pose 2 and 11 improves digestion and tones arms and spine. It also improves flexibility of your back and hips.
- Pose 3 and 10 increases blood circulation and tone abdominal tracts.
- Pose 4 and 9 helps to build your hand as well as wrist muscles.
- Pose 5 and 8 strengthens your heart and give relief from shoulder aches.
- Pose 6 strengthens arms and legs, increases flexibility in neck and shoulders and releases tension in them.
- Pose 7 stimulates blood circulation in abdominal organs, helps digestive tract and stretches your entire body.